Thank you to all of those that attended The Comedy Caravan comedy show last month at The Comedy Palace. It was a huge success with over 150 attendees that experienced comedy diplomacy with Shakir Sharif, Khalid Khalifa and Yaser Bakr, three visiting Saudi comedians who are breaking ground in the stand-up comedy world in Saudi Arabia. There is nothing like a good laugh to bring positive change in the world.
Earlier in the day there was a roundtable discussion and lunch between the Saudi comedians and local comedians from San Diego that discussed the similarities and challenges between comedy as a business venture in the two countries. Some of the San Diegan comedians included Dallas McLaughlin, Maria Herman, Tony Calabrese, George Salek, and AJ Knox. A variety of perspectives were represented from improv comedians to club owners and female comedians. Through the conversation it became clear how easily comedy can create a common ground.
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