USC’s Center on Public Diplomacy hosts a series on their blog called Q&A, a space for global leaders and forward-thinking individuals to give insight on their area of expertise. Earlier this week, we were excited to see that they published a discussion with Jennifer Clinton, CEO of Cultural Vistas.
The Diplomacy Council has worked closely with Cultural Vistas for many years, promoting our shared vision of global dialogue and cultural understanding. Each year, Cultural Vistas hosts over 30 unique exchange programs, and have connected 150 000+ people around the world since opening their doors in 1963.
We were delighted to read Jennifer Clinton’s thoughts on the impact that the current global crisis is having on cultural exchange. Her responses reminded us why we value our roles as international exchange facilitators so highly, and how an inability to physically travel right now won’t stop us from pursuing global connectivity. Ms. Clinton recognized that ‘the current situation will force us all to work harder and become better at facilitating cultural exchange’. The hurdle that international exchange coordinators and participants around the world are facing right now is a motivator not to give up, but to increase our levels of ‘innovation, creativity, and connection’.
We couldn’t agree more with Ms. Clinton’s insights on the importance of resilience in citizen diplomacy, and we can’t wait to continue facilitating change with Cultural Vistas for many years to come.
You can read the full interview with Ms. Clinton here.
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