8 visitors from Iraq will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following spe-cific objectives for the project outlined by the Department of State:
· Explore different approaches of civil society leaders to collaborate with foreign governments, interna-tional donors, and international CSOs, including how to raise funds, write grant proposals, network, use social media, and build partnerships;
· Expose participants to strategies and techniques to be effective, efficient, and responsive to donors in order to take a leading role in promoting economic development, good governance, and social cohe-sion within and among minority communities;
· Examine tools used to engage with and effect change in government and majority community attitudes toward minorities, as well as promote and defend minority rights; and
· Encourage dialogue and cooperation among minority community organizations and introduce concepts that will allow them to both model healthy interaction among different ethnic and religious communi-ties themselves and play a leading role in promoting reconciliation and coexistence among minority communities.