Upcoming Events & International Delegations

Promoting Social Change Through The Arts

20 Visitors from multiple countries will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego examining the role of arts education in encouraging young people, both at-risk and not risk, to act as responsible and engaged members of society.They will explore the geographic, ethnic, and religious diversity of the U.S. population and how innovative arts programming... Read More

Combating the Opioid Epidemic in North America

5 delegates from Canada will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego examining collaborative initiatives among federal and state-level law enforcement agencies, investigators, public health experts, legislators, and prosecutors to address wide-scale substance abuse and to combat the production, transfer, and sale of illicit drugs. They will engage with counterparts in community-based NGOs... Read More

Combatting Trafficking in Persons

20 visitors from multiple countries across the globe will be joining the San Diego Diplomacy Council to discuss Combatting Trafficking in Persons. This project supports a major tenet of U.S. foreign policy: the human rights imperative to combat trafficking of persons for the sex trade and slave labor. Discussions will focus on best practices to... Read More

Global Economic Cooperation

20 delegates from multiple countries will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego examining international economic cooperation in the context for the growth and integration of emerging markets into the world economy. They will examine links between U.S. and foreign financial systems and commodity markets. They will also review U.S. efforts to strengthen... Read More

Geology, Hydrogeology, Minerals, and Geological Engineering

8 visitors from Uzbekistan will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego exploring hydrogeological processes, including salinization and mineralization of fresh water lenses, as well as groundwater analysis, modeling, and mapping. They will be learning about geological engineering for power and water infrastructure and discussing best practices for the management and extraction of strategic mineral... Read More

Addressing the Needs of At-Risk Youth to Promote Resilient Communities

10 visitors from the Western Hemisphere will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego exploring primary prevention programs for at-risk youth, including family support, after school activities, life skills, job training, truancy, and dropout prevention. They will be exploring the power of public-private partnerships by looking at the efforts of state and local governments, schools,... Read More

Public Health: Infectious Diseases

9 delegates from multiple countries will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego introducing the role of federal, state, and municipal government agencies and non-governmental organizations responsible for developing and implementing national and grassroots public health programs for urban and rural populations. They will explore and discuss best practices for public health preparedness and... Read More

Towards a More Safe and Secure World: Cooperative Security Efforts

11 visitors from multiple countries will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego studying U.S. programs that work to counter violent extremism, including the relationship between federal, state, and local programs. They will explore the underlying conditions that fuel extremism -- political grievances, communal conflict, social structures, and economic disparity -- and emerging trends to... Read More

American Councils Professional Fellows Program

12 professional fellows from multiple countries will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego. The fellows will be placed in a variety of American organizations, universities, and state bodies across the US that address issues of governance and society.

Increasing Prosecution Rates of Domestic Violence Cases

5 visitors from South Korea will be coming to make professional connections in San Diego to understand the role that prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, and NGOs play in combating domestic violence. The visitors will be exchanging lessons learned, strategies and tools with officials working in the judiciary and law enforcement sectors. They will also explore... Read More