Upcoming Events & International Delegations

Russian Business Leaders

6 business leaders from Russia will be coming for a 3-week fellowship program. Fellows will spend three weeks working for San Diego-based companies in order to develop business relationships, create connections, and share best practices.

Mandela Washington Fellowship

25 social entrepreneurs from Sub-Saharan Africa will attend a 6-week professional development. Program participants will live on the University of San Diego's campus and attend business courses and leadership training sessions. Participants will also be actively engaging with local business leaders, home hosts, NGO leaders, and youth in a variety of capacities.

Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP)

10 Iraqi high school students and 2 program chaperones from Iraq will attend a multi-week leadership training course. Program participants will live with San Diego based Arabic speaking hosts. Participants will actively engage with local business leaders, NGO leaders, and peers in a variety of capacities.

Promoting Resilient Communities

3 Visitors will be coming from Germany to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Highlight U.S programs to counter violent extremism at the federal, state, and local levels Examine how terrorism cases are investigated and prosecuted in the U.S criminal justice system Explore the underlying conditions that fuel extremism, including: political grievances,... Read More

Interfaith Leadership and Human Rights

10 Visitors will be coming from Nigeria to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Examine the role of religious leaders in an increasingly diverse community Observe the interplay between religion and politics in the U.S. Understand how faith based organizations and religious leaders work to protect the rights of citizens whose beliefs... Read More