Upcoming Events & International Delegations

Combating Trafficking in Persons

14 Visitors will be coming from multiple regions to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Examine U.S. local, national, and international efforts to combat trafficking in persons and present innovative law enforcement strategies for preventing, investigating, and prosecuting trafficking crimes.

Promoting Resilient Communities

3 Visitors will be coming from Germany to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Highlight U.S programs to counter violent extremism at the federal, state, and local levels Examine how terrorism cases are investigated and prosecuted in the U.S criminal justice system Explore the underlying conditions that fuel extremism, including: political grievances,... Read More

Interfaith Leadership and Human Rights

10 Visitors will be coming from Nigeria to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Examine the role of religious leaders in an increasingly diverse community Observe the interplay between religion and politics in the U.S. Understand how faith based organizations and religious leaders work to protect the rights of citizens whose beliefs... Read More

Community Partnership to Counter Extreme Violence *Dinner Hospitality Needed

7 Visitors will be coming from the United Kingdom to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Examine successful U.S. strategies and local initiatives to prevent violent extremism, intervene in the path to radicalization, and rehabilitate and reintegrate marginalized individuals Increase bilateral cooperation on efforts to prevent radicalization to deter terrorism Explore community-based efforts... Read More

Strategic and Economic Priorities for the Indian Ocean Region

8 visitors will be coming from the Indian Ocean region to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following:  Assess the shifting security priorities, trade flows, and environmental complexities of the Indian Ocean region and its 5 sub-regions: Middle East and Gulf States, Red Sea and linkages to the Mediterranean, East Africa, South Asia, and... Read More

Promoting Resilient Communities: The Role of Law Enforcement

8 visitors will be coming from Turkey to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Develop deeper understanding of CVE policies and approaches at all levels of the U.S. government and law enforcement in enhancing the capacity of local community partners to prevent radicalization Highlight the importance of public-private sector collaboration and trust-building,... Read More

State and Local Government *Global Social Hour on October 5

14 Visitors will be coming from multiple regions to make professional connections in San Diego exploring the following: Introduce the structures and functions of the U.S. federal system of government, with emphasis on the division of authority and responsibility between federal, state, and local governments Demonstrate successful models of cooperation among state and local governments,... Read More

Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative *Dinner Hospitality Available

12 delegates will be coming from Latin America and the Caribbean to make professional connections in San Diego through month-long business fellowships with local companies. They will be living as a cohort downtown, working Monday-Thursday with local companies, and spending Fridays in professional development sessions as a group. Host institutions confirmed thus far include Hub... Read More